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  • Togo: PAEIJ-SP partners with four more microfinance institutions via Orabank
Togo: PAEIJ-SP partners with four more microfinance institutions via Orabank

(Togo First) - In Togo, the project supporting employment and insertion of youth in promising sectors (PAEIJ-SP) just partnered with four new microfinance institutions. These are UMECTO (which operates in all economic regions of the country), Coopec ADESEM (active in the central region), CEF MEF (central and kara regions), and Coopec SIFA (Savanes). 

The institutions were selected through a call for manifestation of interest launched through Orabank Togo. Generally, they will intervene essentially in the central and northern parts of Togo, supporting agricultural entrepreneurs, and the actors of the various value chains. However, in-depth, these four lenders will provide loans, supplied by Orabank Togo, to agricultural entrepreneurs.  

So far, the PAEIJ-SP has supported more than 250 young entrepreneurs in developing their business plans and helped nearly 450 farmers’ associations seal supply agreements with SMEs specialized in agricultural processing as well as with aggregators in the cassava, corn, and soybeans sectors. 

Séna Akoda

Source : togofirst.com

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